The Parish Office is now located at the Parish Church. Please drop all anniversary notices and other parish business in the letter box in the church porch. The Parish Phone Number is now 085 827 8729. Email address is unchanged.
Welcome to our Parish
The people of our parish show a great pride in our Church and parish and we hope to continue the excellent work of our predecessors and the various organisations and committees within the parish.
If you contribute to the life of the parish by attending Mass and other celebrations, give your time and talents as a volunteer in lay ministries and/or provide financial support, we would like to offer our sincere thanks and invite you to continue to be part of our parish family as it grows & develops.
The Synod: www.castlecomerparish-synod
Mass Times
Church of the Immaculate Conception

Monday - Friday |
9am Please note that a Funeral Mass later in the day (Monday - Saturday) will necessiate the cancelling of the parish morning Mass). In such cases information will be announced. |
Saturday |
10am Please note that a Funeral Mass later in the day (Monday - Saturday) will necessiate the cancelling of the parish morning Mass). In such cases information will be announced. |
Sunday Vigil Mass (Saturday) | 7pm |
Sunday | 8am & 11am |
Holy Days (Vigil) | 7pm |
Day Mass | 11am |
Public Holidays | 10am |

Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from 19th May to 24th May 2025, led by Bishop of Ossory Most Rev. Niall Coll.
Prices per person sharing: Hotel Agena €949, Hotel La Solitude or Hotel Padoue €995. Cost to include: – Bus from Castlecomer or Loughboy Shopping Centre, Kilkenny to and from the airport, direct…

Jubilee Year of Hope 2025
Jubilee 2025 was proclaimed by Pope Francis in the Papal Bull Spes Non Confundit “Hope does not disappoint”.
“The coming Jubilee will thus be a Holy Year marked by the hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it help us to recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and in…

Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Migrants
During the Autumn General Meeting of the Bishops’ Conference, bishops approved a pastoral letter on the significant theme of welcoming the immigrant. ‘A Hundred Thousand Welcomes’ explores what hospitality for migrant people means in contemporary Ireland. As Christians, we have a responsibility to respond to the key question of immigration across our island, and the…

Vatican recognition of Medjugorje
Pope Francis has recently approved a Catholic spiritual devotion centred in Medjugorje. The Pontiff recognised the “positive fruits” for Catholics who engage in the spiritual experience associated with the town. Niall Glynn, managing director of Marian Pilgrimages, commented ” People are finding that Medjugorje is a lot bigger than that in the sense of just…

Providing compassionate care at the end of life
To address the sensitive issue of compassionate care at the end of life, and in response to the need to inform the faithful of Catholic teaching on this important life issue that affects so many families, the Bishops of Ireland have published the pastoral letter: Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes.
You are invited to…

Pope Francis’ Prayer for Peace
Lord God of peace, hear our prayer!
We have tried so many times and over so many years to resolve our conflicts by our own powers and by the force of our arms. How many moments of hostility and darkness have we experienced; how much blood has been shed; how many lives have been shattered;…
See All Notices