Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Published on February 1, 2025

The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from 19th May to 24th May 2025, led by Bishop of Ossory Most Rev. Niall Coll.

Prices per person sharing: Hotel Agena €949, Hotel La Solitude or Hotel Padoue €995. Cost to include: – Bus from Castlecomer or Loughboy Shopping Centre, Kilkenny to and from the airport, direct return flight from Cork to Lourdes, airport taxes. Transfers between Lourdes airport and your hotel, 5nights accommodation, full board: breakfast, lunch and dinner each day, 20kg check-in luggage + 1 very small cabin bag, full services of Joe Walsh tour assistants, full religious programme optional (not included), single room supplement: €39 per night in Agena, €42 per night in Padoue and Solitude, pilgrimage travel insurance: €45 per person up to 79 years; €65per person 80-94 years.

Booking; www.joewalshtours.ie – [email protected]. Telephone: 01 241 0800